Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a strange thing is happening to my 50 years of very healthy body.. my liver is complaining!!! hmmmm this is not good tho' perhaps not surprising... and so it's a month of detox for the liver!!! Started this morning with some alarmingly coloured dandelion tea... yes it looked like pee!!!! and no alcohol for a month!!! shouldn't be a problem I thought and then realised it is 'Fair Trade week' and a friend at uni is doing her phd on fair trade wine and yes you've guessed it, today she's doing a tasting session.... my first challenge will be not to listen to the little voice in my head that will politely but smoothly suggest that as it's simply a 'tasting' it's not really 'drinking'.... maybe I'll go to the soporific data analysis lecture instead just to avoid 'the voice'..

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