Thursday, February 21, 2008

it's getting rather intense!! am trying to read a paper but my head is off all over the place.... yesterday one of our group (the youngest a 21 yr old who has just finished her degree) presented a paper ... the module is entitled 'contemporary debates in human geography' and this term each masters student has to select a paper and present it to the rest of the group... K was the first to do this and its me next week... she is meticulous in her work and she arrived yesterday with handouts and a 9 page script!!!! and my god did she know her stuff!!! I am in awe and now consequently in a tearful, depressed state as I know that I have to follow perfection... she was able not only to handle the discussion afterwards but she so obviously knew, on a deep and meaningful level, what she was talking about.... and I feel so fluffy!!!!!!!!! my understanding is barely scratching the surface, and I tend towards flippancy when put on the spot! Next week is going to be terrifying... already I am terrified... my choice of paper... is probably bonkers... but the problem is I dont even know.... oh god oh god oh god.....

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