Thursday, July 12, 2012

oh oh oh there are times recently when i feel I have run out of words...

I no longer read anything...

I listen more.. to radio...
but I do not read...

and this worries me.

is it a more general lack of concentration due to internet use over the year, to googling and youtube? or is it a more personal thing?

I am painting more and spending perhaps a little too long tweeting and facebooking...

perhaps my inability to write coherent sentences is a reflection of my incoherent mind wandering and skipping along...

this week has been difficult...

i will write more...

i need to write more...

to restart that incessant chatter that I used to expunge onto these pages...

i will start with last week...
oh dear oh dear think there is a repeating pattern going on with work and relationships.... am uninvolving again and have downloaded a few job apps... but the story unfolds further...