then a quick change into a father christmas costume and accompanied by a 6 foot australian wearing pixie ears handing out lollipops with the lovely slogan .........'Esso Sucks' ... then to the pub to drink too many beers in excellent company....... then off to Kentish Town Forum to meet S and R and see Graham Coxon...... now I might be biased as I think Graham is an excellent guitarist/performer but this gig was even better than any of his I've seen!!! Got right to the front with barely room to jiggle/breathe, bounced as much as possible, watched a couple of people faint, got kicked by crowd surfers, ended up looking like I'd been in the shower fully dressed, my face turned as pink as a beetroot..... and I loved every moment!! Graham was brilliant and he even brought a friend on stage to sing.... the friend was Pete Doherty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who did a wonderful version of a Libertines favourite Time for Heroes!!!!!!!!!!
an excellent day indeed