Saturday, June 05, 2004

a tough week! Probably why I haven't written much.... just a whole pile of stuff cracking up around me, a bit like being at a Vines gig... you get there all excited looking forward to what you thought was a good band and end up it's all gone a bit flat.... I remember writing ages ago, whilst still in Cambridge about times when the grey blanket hits and whichever way you look at the world it's grey... well its a bit like that.... the grey blanket is back, over my head and colouring the world.......

so my answer last weekend was to go out and get slaughtered... or even on monday to stay in and do the same..... actually enjoyed last weekend.... went to the Barbican to see some free blues ... first up was son of dave a Canadian previously in Crash Test Dummies.... he was a one man play all type and very good at it too!!! Met him afterwards and he was one of those performers that comes across in person as incredibly shy, yet on stage is twice the size..... final band of the afternoon was Errol Linton's Blues Vibe then I was partygurl!!!! wandered up to The Foundry... sat outside admiring the Banksy.... and trundled willingly to Cargo where we sauntered past the queue and were admitted.... thanks to Joe who was on the guestlist.... Errol was playing again...... by this time I was beyond partygurl.... at some point discovered I had to leave, auto pilot kicking in mayhaps??? but ended up going for the ubiquitous Indian of which I ate very very little. called for a cab, something I still find deliciously decadent, and found myself at homeand happy!!! Soooooo that was Saturday.... sunday was quiet!!! but had a gig to go to in the evening. Ash were very very good.... and after The Vines a relief!!!! Very bouncy, very loud...

Monday just doesn't count,talked drank wine, cooked drank wine, talked drank wine, talked drank vodka, only amazed that the absinthe remained untouched... struggled with Tuesday... work dire... finances crashing around me... don't know where to turn... Josh not working again...and now it's the weekend... going to a gig at The Barbican.......

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