So it's all over! The week has been interesting! Life could get very interesting indeed! Went to meet TT again and it was rather lovely!.... now tho' back at home, and trying to find work, it all seems a bit unreal... parties in Camden, good conversation, healthy organic food, sleeping late...
There was one lovely moment amongst the many that made me laugh... the party was full of media types and some very interesting people... one of them was Rob newman who looked across at me and nodded a very friendly hello. I was sure he recognised me and was puzzling out where we might have met... didn't want to say it was recently when I got him to sign his book after one of his gigs!!! But anyway the party oddly reminded me a bit of being in Maui... there was an agelessness about it all and some very dynamic people, lots of political and environmental debate and lots of creatively musical people, not the sort of gathering you get in Cambridge at all!!!