Have been away for a long time... almost back in touch with the world though as I have got a new computer (ish) and just waiting now for ntl to actually turn up when they say they will to sort out the modem...
recent events have been amazing
Last week I turned up at work monday morning all aglow from a lovely weekend, I was expecting to be painting the climbing frame and so had brought suitable trousers for painting. There were no customers in so it was meant to be a time for catching up on the mundane type of jobs that can so easily get forgotten about.... discovered a wonderful change of plan... it was to be a training week for all the staff... so this week I have jumped backwards off a 35 ft timber pole, played kayak polo, learnt to paddle a canoe in a straight line using just one side of the canoe (???) now know how to put together a sequence of moves on the trampoline, and I have won my first dinghy race!!! My body feels like it has been hit on all sides by a human meat tenderiser, I have the most amazing pattern of bruises below my knees and it has been absolutely marvelous!!!
To cap it all off I spent friday night wandering from Brick Lane to Whitehall in the early hours and joined in a remarkable Vote for Justice march passing Downing Street at 7am on Saturday morning
Slept quite a bit of yestrday, am in Southend at Shaun's, alone as he has gone off to organise/run a Non Violent Direct Action day for Greenpeace .... I just felt that finishing the weekend joining in with that would have killed me off completely so declined the offer to join him, instead I plan to catch up with some emails, potter a bit and read a fascinating book
Watching the English by Kate Fox that I started a week ago but as I keep falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow I am barely into the first chapter....