Thursday, April 28, 2005

Back after 4 days of living in a hut with no electric or heating... my bed is going to seem so lovely tonight! Have just been on an Archery Leaders course ... hmmmm it was actually quite arduous and this was not because of the archery but more the conditions we had to cope with... all very rainy and the site became waterlogged immediately, so have returned as if from Glastonbury with everything mud splashed and grimy!!

so have sat at the computer to check emails and have stayed sitting.... time being sucked away into the ether.... ended up looking at a sight which tells you who to vote for after asking some very basic questions...this is what it came up with for me..

Who Should You Vote For?

Who should I vote for? v2

Your expected outcome:


Your actual outcome:

Labour 39
Conservative -71
Liberal Democrat 129
UK Independence Party -43
Green 117

You should vote: Liberal Democrat

The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.

Take the test at Who Should You Vote For


Sunday, April 17, 2005

Have been away for a long time... almost back in touch with the world though as I have got a new computer (ish) and just waiting now for ntl to actually turn up when they say they will to sort out the modem...

recent events have been amazing

Last week I turned up at work monday morning all aglow from a lovely weekend, I was expecting to be painting the climbing frame and so had brought suitable trousers for painting. There were no customers in so it was meant to be a time for catching up on the mundane type of jobs that can so easily get forgotten about.... discovered a wonderful change of plan... it was to be a training week for all the staff... so this week I have jumped backwards off a 35 ft timber pole, played kayak polo, learnt to paddle a canoe in a straight line using just one side of the canoe (???) now know how to put together a sequence of moves on the trampoline, and I have won my first dinghy race!!! My body feels like it has been hit on all sides by a human meat tenderiser, I have the most amazing pattern of bruises below my knees and it has been absolutely marvelous!!!

To cap it all off I spent friday night wandering from Brick Lane to Whitehall in the early hours and joined in a remarkable Vote for Justice march passing Downing Street at 7am on Saturday morning

Slept quite a bit of yestrday, am in Southend at Shaun's, alone as he has gone off to organise/run a Non Violent Direct Action day for Greenpeace .... I just felt that finishing the weekend joining in with that would have killed me off completely so declined the offer to join him, instead I plan to catch up with some emails, potter a bit and read a fascinating book Watching the English by Kate Fox that I started a week ago but as I keep falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow I am barely into the first chapter....