so here i am sitting in the lounge of my new flat in central exeter. I have a seminar to attend later this afternoon but for most of today I have been enjoying the luxury of broadband at home. So I am about to book a cottage on the north coast for xmas week and am looking around for a decent yoga class... not much studying going on just yet but hopefully it will kick in ... have a couple of papers to read and finding it all rather scary really. Will my failing memory be up to a Masters in Research followed by a PhD I wonder??? Can only try
Sooooo to the actual experience! Being a student again and after such a long time is simply marvellous! But this time is fraught with the additional lack of knowledge of the town, the campus or any people, a bit like being 18 and heading off into the wide world alone... but this time with the uncomfortable baggage of 30 yrs of cynicism, a bad back and greying hair! and the total inability to drink more than 2 glasses of wine and remember anything of conversations. My first intro day ended in a local pub where I apparently had an excellent conversation with a Professor and now I wouldn't recognise him if he knocked on my froont door and introduced himself... hmmmm not good, not good at all. So, is the choice give up the booze altogether or just take the risk occassionally and hope I don't say anything too stupid, or too memorable that anyone feels the need to discuss things further. One thing I have realised this time around and it's very scary indeed is that I have no nerves at all about making a fool of myself and am quite happy to pipe up opinions in class!! In fact a little too keen really... they might have to find ways of keeping me quiet!!!
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