Is it because the name of the month has changed???? But I am feeling a whole lot better about life, work and just about everything else. Yesterday morning was the lowest point when on the phone to TT.... felt totally cold and alone... then went for lunch here at work... it's £2 so seemed worth trying. Trundled over the courtyard to the oak pannelled dining room in the company of fellow workers. There was a conference on so the hall was full of delegates chatting away merrily... queued up for food to find the non-meat choice was trout or mushroom stroganov which wasn't a bad start! There was a staff table set out and waiter's floating around helpfully! Dessert was a choice of a massive chocolately thing or excellent cheeses and biscuits, after that we adjourned to the saloon, comfortably furnished with soft sinking sofa's, for coffee and conversation. Then a brisk walk around part of the gardens finished off the lunch hour very nicely. I was starting to feel at home. Today there has been general friendly conversation with people popping into my office, and I am starting to like it. Cant beat the surroundings at all and seeing a barn owl on the way to work, having a sun soaked lake reflecting drooping willows to look at from the window isn't half bad....
ipod continuing to talk to me... started off with Pink Floyd's Fearless this morning which was just what I needed!!!
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