Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Have been doing lots of reading in this new job! A very nice way to spend one's time indeed and have come across a few interesting things.... generally have to find things that relate to the university but it is sooo difficult to restrict my reading and not wander off on little tangents all the time.... catching up a bit on maybe what, to you, is old news but I haven't read news stories in such detail for ages... so now with all the bird flu stuff happening came across an old news report about Donald Rumsfeld being Chairman of the company that makes Tamiflu, the one vaccine that is recommended globally for this possible pandemic. He has already made millions and is set to make many many more... link that to the story which relates the possibility of replacing the world's global stock of chickens, in all it's diversity, with a monoculture of GM chickens which could be possible within 4 to 5 years! Frightening possibilities indeed, I feel we are turning that corner into a new world!!!! and it is a bit dark and a bit scary!!!!

Mexico looks more and more possible!!! Have now found myself reading up on what innoculations are required and have purchased a 'Teach yourself Spanish in 6 weeks' booklet and CD .... so far I can talk about a black donkey and a fast river! Hopefully my vocabulary will become more extensive!

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